Cycle Right Stages Two and Three

Building on stage one, stage two and three help students move safely to more advanced on-road cycling.

Stage 2

At Stage Two trainees take an active role with regard to decision-making on the journey in a trainer-facilitated format.
Journeys take place in a more complex environment:

  • Higher traffic volumes.
  • Ranges of speeds.
  • Road positioning to best protect cyclists.
  • More complex (two-lane) roundabouts and how to approach them.
  • Traffic-light controlled junctions.
  • Changing position within a group of cyclists.
  • Hazards – what to expect and how to handle them.

How is the programme structured ?

At Stage Two (3 hours), trainees have a more active role in the journey and decision-making in an instructor-facilitated format. Ratio of trainer to trainee is 2:10.

Stage 3

At Stage Three trainees take the lead role on the journey, planning the route and making active decisions with regard to positioning and interaction with traffic, in a complex environment with the trainer in an accompanying role.

Planning a journey and what to consider:

  • Maps, GPS
  • Local knowledge
  • The best route to cycle

Journeys in challenging environments:

  • High traffic volumes.
  • Moving through stopped and slow moving traffic.
  • Complex junctions including complex, multi-laned roundabouts.
  • Defensive positioning for cyclists.
  • Cycling in a group in a complex traffic environment.
  • Large vehicles and how to cycle near them.
  • Anticipating hazards and other problems on the road and taking appropriate action.

How is the programme structured?

By Stage Three (3 hours), trainees take the lead role on the journey, planning the route and making active decisions with regard to positioning and interaction with traffic in a complex environment. At this stage the instructor is in an accompanying role, assessing and giving feedback. Ratio of trainer to trainee is 2:8

To make a booking contact :

James Kirby
Sports Development Officer
Cork Local Sports Partnership Ltd
C/O Motor Tax Office
Model Farm Business Park
Model Farm Road
Tel: 021-434 7096 | Mob: 086 026 2288 email : [email protected]
web: | Twitter @CLSP1